8 Movie Retcons That Were Made Solely To Please The Fans

Relax everyone, The Mandarin is real after all.

By Padraig Cotter /

20th Century Fox

Movie studios are run by human beings, and like the rest of us, they sometimes make mistakes. They might greenlight a weak script, hire a bad director or cast the wrong actor for a key role. It happens, but when they do this with a beloved series, the fanbase can be less than forgiving.


Fans have become more of a vocal presence now, and when theyre not pleased with something (the reboot of Ghostbusters springs to mind, for some reason) theyre not shy about giving their opinions. If they like a movie their support adds to the positive buzz surrounding it, and if they dont theyll raise an almighty stink.

If they get caught up on some nonsense plot detail or dont like the direction the story is taking, then studios seem more than willing to bow down to their wisdom. A later sequel will alter or completely retcon its predecessor, all in pursuit of making the fans happy.


It may not be the most creative or artistic approach, but it pays to keep the customers happy.