8 Movie Retcons That Were Made Solely To Please The Fans

8. The Last Stand Didn't Happen - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men: Days Of Future Past Cyclops Wolverine Jean Grey
20th Century Fox

Its fair to say that reactions to The Last Stand were mixed to say the least - especially with regards to the deaths of Professor X, Jean Grey and Cyclops. Killing popular characters is a tricky business after all, and fans werent best pleased with how these deaths were handled; poor Cyclops in particular.

Most people lay the blame for this at director Brett Ratners feet, so when Bryan Singer returned to the series he decided to write a few wrongs. While Days Of Future Past could be seen as a spring cleaning of the whole franchise since the continuity had gotten seriously messy by that stage it mainly cleans up the debris left by Origins and The Last Stand.

Various storylines are straightened out (we get the X2 version of Wolverines origin) and by the end Logan is reunited with Cyclops, Jean and Professor X in the mansion, meaning the events of The Last Stand never happened. This pleased the fanbase, it pleased Singer and just about everyone else but poor Brett Rather.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.