9 Upcoming Movies That Already Have Sequels In Development

Talk about not wasting any time, Hollywood.

By Sam Hill /

Hollywood isn't renowned for its ability to take things slow; the movie business is a relentless machine that never stops to consider what's best for any given franchise before commissioning countless sequels, prequels and spin-offs.


Sometimes studios get so ahead of themselves that they don't even wait for one movie to come out in theatres before giving the green-light to further films. Take the recent news that Disney have already commissioned a sequel to The Jungle Book before the first film in the remake has even shipped; they went ahead with more on pre-release goodwill alone.

And the live-action reimagining isn't the only film with a premature sequel: take a look at the following flicks, none of which are out in cinemas and yet they already have a number of sequels in development. The studios are presumably so convinced that they'll all do amazing business that they're not even going to bother to wait.

A case of that infernal machine counting its chickens before they've hatched, perhaps, or will La La Land's confidence in these sequel flicks pay off?

9. Now You See Me 2

Release Date: June 10, 2016


The Sequel Already In Development: Now You See Me 3

I'm not even sure that Now You See Me deserved a sequel, and yet we're already at a point in time where we're talking about this series as a trilogy.

The original film - which starred Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco, Woody Harrelson and Mark Ruffalo - made lots of money for some reason, but it was nothing more than a relatively entertaining time that ended up feeling ultimately disappointing; it's a movie about magicians that tricked you into thinking that it would offer up a satisfying prestige and did just the opposite (I'm not bitter).

Yet the sequel, Now You See Me 2, is set to hit theatres later in the year and will bring Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, into the fold. Why not?

But talk about Hollywood getting a bit big for its boots and announcing a third film before the second one is even out. C'mon... how do we know that audiences are even going to bother with the first sequel?

We are all going to live in a world in which there are three Now You See Me movies. Think on that as you remember that they never made Hellboy III.
