9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

The Squad face their hardest mission yet: Saving the DC cinematic universe.

By Padraig Cotter /

Now that Batman v Superman has come and gone, the autopsy can truly begin; and the results aren’t exactly pretty. 


It was a grim, humourless affair where even the title fight was underwhelming, and the reviews from both fans and critics have been fairly scathing. In spite of a strong box-office performance, it’s still considered a financial disappointment since Warner Bros. sank an ungodly amount of money into it.

Hell, even the setup for the Justice League was ham-fisted.

Time will tell how people truly feel about Dawn Of Justice, but the backlash so far must have the studio and DC feeling anxious about their planned universe. After all, we're already two movies in, and so far, they're pretty much zero for two. 

Could the only hope to turn people around fall in the surprising shape of the forthcoming Suicide Squad? How strange to think an ensemble of second string DC villains in a Dirty Dozen style flick could prove crucial.

From the first trailer onwards fans have seemed a lot more excited about Suicide Squad than its brooding big brother, and it’ll be the first movie to prove DC have legs outside of their two biggest heroes. 

With reports of massive reshoots underway to add more humour and action it’s clear DC feel it might make or break their plans, so let’s that a look at some of the ways this band of losers could redeem DC’s movie universe; or die trying. 

9. Zach Snyder's Not Directing

A cinematic universe needs someone with a big vision, an affinity for the characters and a love of storytelling to guide it to success; so why Warner Bros. have entrusted Zach Snyder with this task is a mystery. Sure, he knows how to make a movie look epic and cool, but when it comes to little things like subtext, story structure or creating likeable characters he’s lost.


Batman V Superman proved this beyond a doubt, showing that not only does he have no idea why fans are drawn to Superman, but he actively seems to dislike the character and what he represents. 

Suicide Squad will be the first DC universe movie that won’t have his overbearing stamp on it, and new helmer Ayer will be on familiar ground since he’s an old hand at action movies with big casts (Fury, Sabotage).

Plus if the movie is better received than either of Snyder’s efforts Warners might realise he’s not the great visionary they think he is and bring in a creative head who actually has an affinity for the material he’s working with. 
