A lot at issue here, so bare with me.... THE GOOD NEWS is that the talk is J.J. Abrams is OFF STAR TREK. Lots of sources are saying he will only be producing and was never in line to direct anyway. I know I'm in the minority but if this is true then THANK GOD! The guy was making way to many changes and the creator of Lost, Alias and director of Mission Impossible III (although all are good in their own ways) was never the man to helm this. MORE GOOD NEWS is that Stephen King's epic series THE DARK TOWER is being lined up as a possible feature film franchise or feature length T.V. series. THE BAD NEWS is that The Hollywood Reporter have confirmed an earlier story from IGN that J.J. Abrams is in line to produce and possibly direct. Ok let's break all this down. Whenever someone asks me what projects I would like to see get made into a film, there is always three answers. 1. Inglorious Bastards from Quentin Tarantino 2. An adaptation of Frank Miller'sThe Dark Knight Returns 3. The Dark Tower made into a 7 film franchise much like Harry Potter Yes I really think The Dark Tower could be made like that. Why the hell not? Harry Potter has spawned countless succesful movies, each made up to a superbly high standard and shot pretty much back-to-back keeping many of the same cast and crew. It's truly a unique franchise in movie history, which only the first 5 or 6 James Bond movies could possibly match. I understand the film's would be epic and would have to be big budget and shot together but I think it could be done. Casting the right actor for the main role of Roland would have to be the key because it would probably take more than a decade to shoot these movies, so someone in their 20's or early 30's would have to be cast. A tv series franchise COULD work also, but I just don't want to see things watered down like so many of King's great novels fall victim too. If you going to make it, make it right! This is one you can't mess with. Now, the Abrams issue. I like Lost, but I'm currently watching the third season and it's no where near as tight or as interesting as the first. It has lost it's way for me, pun intended. The fact also that Abrams was so quick to dismiss fundamental truths from the Star Trek franchise for his prequel worries me greatly. An annoucment on this is expected soon but if they are going to make 7 movies from this thing then you can expect LOTS OF RANTS from me when they make a mistake. Because mark my words, they will do something to mess this up. There are so many things that could go wrong with this project, but no-one wants them to suceed on this more than me. And the Dark Tower awaits..... source - the hollywood reporter, coming soon