WhatCulture TV


Star Trek: Ranking The Main Bridges (2025)

When all is said and done in Star Trek, things often come down to the carpet, don't they?
By Sean Ferrick

10 Actors Who Appeared In Star Trek AND Battlestar Galatica

You know what they say - you can't spell 'frakkin' toaster' without 'Star Trek'!
By Jack Kiely

Kate Mulgrew: Janeway's Star Trek Return Is "Being Pursued"

A live-action return for the Admiral too? Something's cooking at Secret Hideout.
By Jack Kiely

Doctor Who: 10 Mrs Flood Theories You NEED To Know

She knows what a TARDIS is and loves to break the fourth wall – but did she really murder…
By Richard Lloyd

10 Doctor Who Mysteries With The Worst Possible Answers

Not all of Doctor Who's many mysteries are worth writing home about...
By Mark Donaldson

10 Most Obvious Doctor Who Plot Twists Ever

There's always a twist at the end, and sometimes they're really REALLY obvious!
By Mark Donaldson

Naveen Andrews Is Khan In Director Nicholas Meyer’s Return To Star Trek

After radio silence, the Ceti Alpha V audio series 'Star Trek: Khan' wraps with an impressive…
By Jack Kiely

Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Pantheon Of The Gods

From Toymakers to Tricksters to big bad dogs, here are some epic facts about Doctor Who's god…
By Mark Donaldson

Star Trek: Kirk? - William Shatner Led Show Being Pitched To Paramount

In-development Trek show writer has reached out to the original James T. Kirk.
By Jack Kiely

Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Twelfth Doctor

We do know he's a good man, but what DON'T we know about the Twelfth Doctor?
By Mark Donaldson

10 Star Trek Characters Who MUST Return (2025)

Uncertain times call for certain Star Trek characters. These are but a few to get on the comm.
By Jack Kiely

Star Trek: 10 Times Music Saved The Day

Sing us a song, you're the Star Trek man! How come you don't know Row, Row, Row Your Boat?
By Sean Ferrick

10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Picard

In Star Trek: Picard, death is more than just a bad vintage of fermented mead.
By Jack Kiely

10 Actors Who Were In The Orville AND Star Trek

There's nothing more fun in the world of Sci-Fi than a good crossover.
By Sean Ferrick

10 Worst Ever Starships In Star Trek

You know how much we love our starships here. Now why did these have to go and spoil our fun?
By Sean Ferrick

10 Great Characters Wasted On Terrible Horror TV Shows

Stealing the show doesn't always save it.
By John Cunningham

10 MORE Star Trek Moments That Broke Our Hearts

Have you just about recovered from the first list? Let's see about that that.
By Sean Ferrick

10 Best Foreshadowing Moments In Star Trek

Dipt into all the wonder of Star Trek's future, how far can our human eyes foresee?
By Jack Kiely

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Tuvok

From Tuvok to Tim Russ, his Vulcan logic was worth his weight in gold.
By Sean Ferrick

10 Best Uses Of Special Effects In Star Trek

Star Trek began with physical filming models, so where did that journey bring us?
By Sean Ferrick

10 Biggest Jump Scares In Star Trek

Don't worry! In Star Trek, you can always replicate a new set of underwear.
By Jack Kiely

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Raffi Musiker

From down-and-out and struggling to the bridge of the Enterprise-G, who is Raffaela Musiker?
By Sean Ferrick

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Orions

When it comes to aliens in Star Trek, let's talk green until we're blue in the face!
By Jack Kiely

Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

Think a Dalek’s just a pepperpot with a plunger and a gunstick? Think again.
By Richard Lloyd

10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Doctor Who

Doctor Who has had many faces and many flaws, but we don't admit to all of them...
By Mark Donaldson

Star Trek: 10 Plot Twists Everyone Saw Coming

These Star Trek plot twists were about as understated as 'Photons Be Free'.
By Jack Kiely

10 Doctor Who Characters You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

Excuse me, WHAT happened to the Fourteenth Doctor?!
By Alix Cochrane

10 Worst Doctor Who Companions Ever

The Doctor says they only choose the best, so how do you explain this lot?
By Mark Donaldson

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Nog

That gorgeous little Ferengi changed the game for alien species in Starfleet.
By Sean Ferrick

10 Biggest Missed Opportunities in Star Trek: Section 31

In a Long Trek full of eyebrow-raising moments, here are the things that were sorely missed.
By Sean Ferrick

10 Movies Within Movies Everyone Wanted To See

Schwarzenegger's Hamlet looked genuinely incredible.
By WhatCulture

10 Recent Critical Duds We All Saw Coming

Madame Web's first trailer told us everything we needed to know.
By WhatCulture

10 Upcoming Movies That Are Already Doomed

These movies have had their fates sealed already.
By WhatCulture

10 Amazing Recent Movies That Were 90 Minutes Or Less

Great movies that will totally respect your time.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

Nobody needs to revisit these movies.
By WhatCulture

10 Terrible Recent Movies With ONE Redeeming Scene

The scenes that saved movies from being irredeemably awful.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Just Starred In Their Worst Movie EVER

These actors just hit the bottom of the well.
By WhatCulture

10 TV Characters That Appeared Outside Their Own Shows

These people seem to be in two places at once!
By WhatCulture

10 Recent Movie Roles Almost Played By Other Actors

Things almost worked out differently for these big roles.
By WhatCulture

9 Movie Deaths You Hear Off-Screen That You Probably Missed

These deaths were hidden in plain earshot on your first viewing.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Hate Their Own Movie Performances

Maybe don't trash your movie BEFORE it's released?
By WhatCulture

10 Obscure Movie Secrets That Took Years To Discover

Clearly, the dinosaurs were just too distracting...
By WhatCulture

10 Brilliant Performances Trapped In Terrible Movies

What a waste.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Chose The Wrong Lead Character

Jacob should've been the protagonist of the Fantastic Beasts franchise.
By WhatCulture

10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Evil Won

When the bad guys are too tough to beat.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Didn't Know They'd Been Cut

Sean Bean had no idea he got the chop from The Two Towers.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Hated Their Own Movies

A Joker Folie A Deux actor called it "the worst film that has ever been made"
By WhatCulture

10 Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

We finally found out who was on the other end of Falcon's radio call.
By WhatCulture

10 Recent Movies Nobody Watched

These movies just didn't find their audience.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Got Fired From Movie Roles Of A Life Time

Yep, getting fired never hurt so bad.
By WhatCulture

10 Terrible Plot Twists From Otherwise Awesome Movies

Conclave is an awesome movie, but the final twist sucks.
By WhatCulture

10 TV Shows With No Redeemable Characters

No heroes, no good guys, no problem?
By WhatCulture

10 More Deleted Movie Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

Key context on the cutting room floor.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Critics And Fans Just Didn't Agree On

Lousy audiences or out-of-touch critics?
By WhatCulture

10 TV Shows Too Big To Fail (That Failed Anyway)

Steven Spielberg + dinosaurs is sure to be a hit, right?
By WhatCulture

10 TV Characters Who ONLY Appear In The First And Last Episode

Talk about bookending a story.
By WhatCulture

9 Most Insulting Movie Sequels Ever

When follow ups flop hard...
By WhatCulture

8 Lost Movie Scenes That Were Found Years Later

The deleted scenes we thought we'd never see.
By WhatCulture

10 Directors Who Just Made Their Worst Movie

These directors just served up their worst work to date.
By WhatCulture

10 Sci-Fi Movie Villains Who Actually Won

Good didn't prevail over evil in these sci-fi flicks.
By WhatCulture