WhatCulture Quizzes


Seinfeld Vs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Who Said It Quiz - Jerry Seinfeld Or Jake Peralta?

Only the biggest fans of Seinfeld and Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be able to work out who said…
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Joey Tribbiani Or Rachel Green Quiz

Let's see if you can answer every question correctly in this ultimate Rachel and Joey quiz!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Who Said It Quiz?

Only the biggest fans of The Office will score 100% on this progressively easier quotes quiz.
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Vs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Who Said It - George Costanza Or Charles Boyle?

Let's see if you can score top marks in this Charles Boyle and George Costanza quotes quiz!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Jim Halpert Quiz

Will you prove to be the ultimate expert when it comes to everything Jim Halpert? Let's find…
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Phoebe Buffay Quiz

Will you answer all 12 of these questions about Phoebe correct? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier Jerry Seinfeld Quiz

Will you manage to answer all 12 of these Jerry questions correctly? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Chandler, Ross Or Joey Say It?

Will you prove you know Joe, Chandler and Ross better than anyone else? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Jim Carrey Movie By Just One Image?

Can you tell "The Cable Guy" from "Yes Man"? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Monica Geller Quiz

Will you prove your knowledge of all things Monica and get top marks in this ultimate quiz?
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory: The Progressively Easier Leonard Hofstadter Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about physicist Leonard Hofstadter?
By Jen Gallie

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Easier Captain Raymond Holt Quiz

Only the biggest fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be able to answer all of these questions…
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Dwight Schrute Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about Assistant (to the) Regional Manager Dwight…
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Robin Williams Movie By Just One Image?

Will you be able to identify each of these 15 Robin Williams movies? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Joey Tribbiani Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about Joey Tribbiani? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory: The Progressively Easier Sheldon Cooper Quiz

Can you prove you know everything there is to know about Sheldon Lee Cooper? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Easier Jake Peralta Quiz

Will you be able to prove you are the ultimate fan of Jake Peralta? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Parks And Recreation: The Progressively Easier Ron Swanson Quiz

Will you be able to get every question correct in this ultimate Ron Swanson quiz? Let's find…
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Adam Sandler Movie By Just One Image?

Do you know "Happy Gilmore" from "Little Nicky"? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Michael Scott Quiz

Can you prove your knowledge about everything Michael Scott? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Chandler Or Rachel Say It?

Will you be able to get 100% on this ultimate Rachel and Chandler quotes quiz?
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Ben Stiller Movie By Just One Image?

Let's see if you can tell the difference between "Along Came Polly" and "The Heartbreak Kid"!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Ross Or Chandler Say It?

Only the biggest fans of Friends will be able to identify who said each of these 12 quotes!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier George Quiz

Let’s see how much you know about the crazy world of Seinfeld's George Costanza!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Their Jobs?

Let's see if you can prove your knowledge on all the jobs the Friends gang did!
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Brad Pitt Movie By Just One Image?

Will you prove your knowledge when it comes to Brad Pitt movies?
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Their Jobs?

Let's see if you remember everything there is to know about jobs of The Big Bang Theory…
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Did Jerry Or George Say It?

Are you able to tell the difference between an observation of Jerry’s and a George rant?
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Rachel Quiz

Let's see how much you know about Friends' Ray-Ray Green?
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Bill Murray Movie By Just One Image?

Are you the biggest "Ghostbusters" fan who can tell them all apart? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

10 Video Game Joke Items That Are Secretly One-Time Boss Killers

By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Movie Innovations That Happened Earlier Than You Think

Kevin Costner got digitally de-aged before it was cool.
By WhatCulture

10 Worst Jedi In Star Wars History

By WhatCulture Star Wars

10 Horror Movie Villains Everyone HATED

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Most Mysterious Ancient Alien Civilisations In Star Trek

Let's explore the forgotten history of Star Trek and our galaxy's many ancient societies.…
By TrekCulture

10 Movie Actors Who Were Discovered In Unusual Ways

Vin Diesel broke into cinema...
By WhatCulture

10 TV Characters You NEVER Thought Would Return

Hands up who thought they'd see Walter White in a TV commercial in 2024.
By WhatCulture

Split Fiction Is EVEN BETTER Than It Takes Two

This is how you top Game of the Year.…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Best Vampire Movies Of The 2020s So Far

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Biggest Jump Scares In Star Trek

Don't worry!
By TrekCulture

8 AMAZING Video Game Box-Arts That Made You Buy TERRIBLE Games

You probably should've judge these video games by their covers a little more.…
By WhatCulture Gaming

9 Hugely Popular Movie Fan Theories That Were Completely Wrong

Was there anyone who didn't think Supreme Leader Snoke was really Darth Plagueis?
By WhatCulture

10 Video Games That Mock You For Trying Too Hard

By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Movies Within Movies Everyone Wanted To See

Schwarzenegger's Hamlet looked genuinely incredible.
By WhatCulture

10 Horror Movie Sequels With ONE Great Scene

By WhatCulture Horror

Doctor Who Season 2 Teases Epic Gods & The Craziest Episode In YEARS (Trailer Breakdown)

The first full trailer for Doctor Who Season 2 has arrived, and we might just be in for the…
By WhoCulture

10 Dumbest Things In Star Trek (2009)

Did Star Trek's reboot trade brains for action and ample nacelles?…
By TrekCulture

Nobody Can Decide On Assassin's Creed: Shadows

It's finally arriving to...
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Recent Critical Duds We All Saw Coming

Madame Web's first trailer told us everything we needed to know.
By WhatCulture

Kate Mulgrew: Janeway's Star Trek Return Is "Being Pursued"

A live-action return for the Admiral too?
By TrekCulture

10 Triple-A Video Game Paywalls That Came Out Of Nowhere

By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Upcoming Movies That Are Already Doomed

These movies have had their fates sealed already.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Starring In Upcoming Horror Movies

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Video Games That Let You Play As The Boss

More Evil Modes in video games, please!
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Amazing Recent Movies That Were 90 Minutes Or Less

Great movies that will totally respect your time.
By WhatCulture

Ups & Downs From Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)

Up your shaft.
By TrekCulture

214 Most Insulting Video Games Ever

Every bad decision across gaming history, all in one place!…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Doctor Who Deleted Scenes You Need To See

Go out of your way to track down Doctor Who's deleted gems...
By WhoCulture

10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

Nobody needs to revisit these movies.
By WhatCulture

10 Hidden Gem Body Horror Movies

By WhatCulture Horror