Batman V Superman: 8 Reasons Wonder Woman's Inclusion Is Bad

Time to admit that she's one character too far in this movie.

By K.J. Stewart /

So, the Batman V Superman movie has finally got its full title - Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. This clearly indicates the direction in which DC and Warner Brothers want their cinematic universe to go and that's the same way Marvel's has gone - with the formation of a superhero team. The "Justice" part of the title is surely a reference to the Justice League, meaning this movie will lay the foundations for the coming together of some of the most formidable and iconic heroes in DC's history for the first time on film. Batman and Superman themselves will obviously be key members of the team, Cyborg is scheduled to appear in this movie and Wonder Woman is also going to make her movie debut here. It can only be assumed that the likes of the Flash, Aquaman and Green Lantern will be introduced later (assuming they aren't in this movie). But is Wonder Woman's inclusion in this movie a good thing? Probably not. That conclusion on the matter may surprise some people, but it's true, and this article will look at a number of reasons why that is the case. Here are eight reasons why Wonder Woman's inclusion in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is a bad thing...