Batman V Superman: 8 Reasons Wonder Woman's Inclusion Is Bad

8. There Are Enough Controversies With The Movie Already

What with the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman, the fact that Batman isn't getting an origin movie in this new continuity and the fact that this is being touted as a Man of Steel sequel when it clearly isn't (as well as a number of other issues that will be brought up in this article), the Batman V Superman movie has enough issues going on with it without risking more with the inclusion of Wonder Woman. The recent pictures that showed the new Batsuit and the new Batmobile went some way to easing people's concerns about the film (both look pretty cool), but they still have reservations and a controversial inclusion of such an iconic character in what will likely be such a small part isn't helping matters.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.