Jurassic World: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

Clever girl.

By Sam Hill /

All right, so here's what happened: a couple of days ago, the first full-length "teaser" trailer for Jurassic World hit the web, and ever since then the world has been going dinosaur crazy. Thankfully, it's not because a bunch of giant, prehistoric reptiles have been let loose in capital cities all over the planet, but because said trailer offers up footage of an actual fourth Jurassic Park movie, something we humans have been waiting for ever since the likes of Jurassic Park III, which came out over a decade ago in 2001. The trailer, which runs at a generous 2 and a half minutes, offers up a bunch more plot details and a few badass dinosaur moments for your pleasure, whilst remaining only partially vague about the storyline, which is apparently going to focus in on some awful hybrid-based dinosaur nightmare. What you might have noticed, though, upon closer inspection, is that the combined marketing material for Jurassic World - thus far - seems to have inadvertedly given away a lot of information about the plot. Seriously: A lot. Which is to say, going on what details we've already attained over the length of the production period, and using information recently gained from the longer teaser trailer, it almost looks as though it could be entirely possible for somebody to work out the entire narrative for the upcoming flick, beat by beat, in something akin to 10 concise steps. Which is totally what we've tried to do over the course of the following article. How right, we wonder, is the following estimation of Jurassic World's main plot, then?