Jurassic World: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps
10. Those Kids Go To Visit Their Dad, Chris Pratt, Who Works At Jurassic World
Okay, so here's how we see it: the movie starts out with those loveable kids, Zach and Gray, played by Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson, going on a trip to Jurassic World to visit their estranged father, Owen, played by Chris Pratt, who works as a dinosaur wrangler/trainer. Judy Greer (you know her from Arrested Development) looks to have been cast as their mother, and we're guessing Andy Buckley is their step-dad. How have we surmised this information, then? There are a few clues: firstly, none of the characters have been given surnames in the press material, which means that they could be related and the studio wants to keep that quiet at the moment for "twist" purposes. Secondly, the kids wouldn't go to Jurassic World on their own, 'less they were meeting an adult there, right? Thirdly, Buckley looks perfectly cast as a "nice step-dad."
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.