Patty Jenkins Slams BS Wonder Woman "Mess" Rumours

It's "real lasso of truth time"...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

It's really easy to shoot on former employers. It's even easier when they've had a track record of firing your friends and making you feel bad about your own situation (even if your job is safe). Sometimes those feelings end up out in public - a bad review, snide social media comments... or the new most popular method of social protest: the Open Letter.


The latest of those to gain public attention came from an ex-Warner Bros employee (via Pajiba) who openly criticised Warner Bros. studio CEO Kevin Tsujihara, the studio's approach to story-telling and their tendency to back terrible films. There was also a last minute criticism of Wonder Woman - though it's a third party recycled observation:

"Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over."

Cheap shot.


And now Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has taken to Twitter to shoot it down:

"Woah, just saw this press about WW having problems. Are they serious? This is some made up bs right here. Made up! Produce a source, anyone. You can’t because it’s entirely false. Don’t believe the hype people. Someone’s trying to spread some serious misinfo. Isn’t until you are intimately involved in these things that you realize how totally false these rumors can. Let me reassure you... Zero about the movie we are making has been called a mess by anyone in the know. Fact. Real lasso of truth, time, will reveal that letter to be false soon enough. But lame something so transparent in its agenda gets traction."

But then, she would say that, wouldn't she? It's hard to know who to believe: the writer looking for traffic, or the director looking for box office.


What do you think?