Star Trek: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

Once these moments happened, the fates of these faces were sealed tighter than a Ferengi's wallet.

By Sean Ferrick /

Star Trek is very guilty of telegraphing the upcoming deaths of some of its characters, dropping hints like Checkov (no, not that one) dropping his guns all over the place. However, it has to be said, that quite a lot of the time it feels both earned and satisfying when those deaths do occur, even if they are a little sad.


While this author is still reeling from both Yar and Dax's untimely demises (come on Lower Decks, you can fix this!), several of the names on this list here work on any enjoyment level, on a fun level, and even on a sadness level. In their own ways, they all serve their relative stories.

It wouldn't be fair to say that each of these folks sealed their own fate, but it absolutely would be fair that each of them was shoved into those final situations by writers who, like greedy boys pulling the wings off flies, engineered and scooted them closer and closer to the butcher's knife. Honestly though, who willingly chooses to wear the colour red in the Star Trek universe?

10. Engineer Olson - Star Trek

If there is one hard and fast rule in the Star Trek universe, it's that one DOESN'T leave the ship while wearing the colour red. Unless your name is Scotty, you're probably going to have a bad time.


In orbit of the planet Vulcan, Nero's ship Narrada extends a mining drill down through the atmosphere. It begins blasting through the crust and into the molten surface. Though the Enterprise's power has been knocked out, things aren't all lost: several well-placed charges will shut the device down. All the crew needs to do is conduct an orbital skydive, land on the platform, fight any Romulans present, and set the charges.

Piece of cake, right?

Captain Pike assembles his crew. James Kirk, Hikaru Sulu...and Engineer Olson.

The man was dead before the scene had a chance to grab its breath, though he does get to utter the immortal line:

Can't wait to whoop some Romulan arse!

Within seconds of leaving the shuttle, he overshoots his parachute point, before being sucked directly into the energy stream.

With the charges.
