Star Wars: 4 Reasons Why People Dislike The Expanded Universe (And Why They're Invalid)

By Darragh O'Connor /

posts and articles have been written about what should be turned into a film series or even into a standalone film using the SWEU material. While most of this I can go along with - and I have written a few recommendations myself on the matter - there is a brand of people that hate anything outside of the six films. They hate the novels, the games, the comics or anything that is not a Lucas-driven film. At first I had no idea why, so then I went looking. The answer came via internet comments and other musings of helpful trolls. This article will look at the major reasons that people cite for their dislike of the SWEU and why they are invalid. I wrote this piece based on my view that Star Wars is more than just a series of films, and is instead the root of a modern mythical cycle. I am not alone, or even the first to make this conclusion. I wrote about one this in my own Masters research, and it has been the subject of a number of books and this History Channel documentary, Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed. A quick search pulled up Kenneth Fredheim's Master Thesis written at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of University of Agder in Norway. He concludes that "as the world grows increasingly secular, as technological development and scientific discovery continue at an exponential rate and as the world becomes both more fragmented and unified at the same time, this thesis posits that the themes of Star Wars are as relevant today as they were over thirty years ago. As such, Star Wars truly is a modern myth." Star Wars was based on the literal groundwork laid Joseph Campbell€™s The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Lucas confirms this in an interview: "Well, when I did Star wars, I consciously set about to recreate myths. And the classic mythological motifs. And I wanted to use those motifs to deal with issues that existed today." Therefore, by definition, a myth grows and develops. It can also be added to and expanded. Just bear that in mind while reading...
