Star Wars: 4 Reasons Why People Dislike The Expanded Universe (And Why They're Invalid)

4. "It's Not Star Wars"

Star-Wars-Dark-Empire-Luke-vs-Palpatine-Clone-Dark-Horse-Comics-Trinity-Comics-Review1 This is the most common point brought up by anti-SWEU fans. The basic thesis of this is that the SWEU is completely different to anything produced by Lucas, or what they deem to be produced by Lucas, this refers to any novels, video games, or any other myth building platform. I find it to be really strange due to the fact that very often any official Star Wars material is actually signed off and endorsed by Lucas. He has made it very easy to engage with his world, in the years before the buyout of course. And the outside material such as The Force Unleashed was written to link up the saga(this was also reportedly the plan with Star Wars 1313), as were the other narratives set after, or way before the films like the Old Republic cycle. The major goal of the SWEU from a creative standpoint is to fill in the blanks and make the universe feel real and alive. The best example of this is the massive expansion of the Old Republic era: with KOTOR and the Old Republic. To me these are more "Star Wars" than even the films, as they engage with the wider universe and explore well beyond the Pale of a Civil War plot. A New Hope begins in medias res (or in the middle of things) and as such there is a hinted outside world but we are drawn to only focus on the immediate story and the not the whole world. Imagine Lord of the Rings without the depth of Middle Earth, without the descriptive narrative of Tolkien and the feeling that it is alive. This is what the original films sometimes feel like. The SWEU gives us a sense of something larger, allow us to experience something more epic.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.