X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Mutants It Should Introduce
Nobody will miss Wolverine when you have...Lady Wolverine!
bunch of information is already floating around about the film, but the rumour mill's only just getting started about which new characters from the comics might get introduced. But who deserves to get introduced? A disco star? Werewolf? Birdman (not that one)? Here are ten mutants X-Men: Apocalypse should introduce.
Evolution is a tricky little bugger. It works in fits and starts, over a long period of time. Sometimes, a dominant trait can remain dormant for a while, before erupting forth and changing the entire ecosystem. That's basically the entire conceit of the X-Men franchise, where mutants with amazing powers representing the next leap in human evolution. Or at least, it seems that way for a while. It also seemed like the X-Men movies were totally going to dominate box offices for a while as well, the next leap in Hollywood entertainment, before Fox managed to jump the shark with the double KO of X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. When suddenly, out of nowhere, they reset the course with X-Men: First Class and then last year's Days Of Future Past, which were both awesome. Having covered the sixties and seventies with those two hits, the upcoming sequel will check in on mutantkind's evolution during the eighties. A