10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

There's no way Square will nail Final Fantasy VII's remake.

By Scott Tailford /

Warner Bros.

As Scalebound being cancelled proves, it is tough being a video game developer right now. Literally anything can go wrong at a moment's notice.


Still, as an industry, gaming thrives on hype, expectation and promising features that are hopefully delivered somewhere down the line. 2016 saw the almighty face-plant that was No Man's Sky get all of these things wrong, alluding to a game whose final product was nothing like what was pitched, yet there are also the likes of Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian that emerge from development hell with barely any noticeable scratches.

That said, on both sides of the consumer/development side, we all need to work a lot harder at controlling these levels of hype, to stay informed of exactly what we're purchasing.


Case in point: The following 10 games, which for one reason or another, don't stand a chance at living up to expectations.



10. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Vicarious Visions

Here's the thing with remakes of classic old games: They never live up to what you're expecting, because there's no way in hell you can replicate a first-impression.

The very reason people clamour after 'a new Crash' is in some vein attempt to relive that first time they played through them - it's the memory they're chasing, which you can mostly rekindle right now by just picking up an original copy.


To their credit, Vicarious Visions have done their best to make old-school Crash - a character model that only really worked in the 90s - look more modern, but in the process of tap-dancing around Naughty Dog's remaining ownership rights, they've remade all the iconic music from the ground up - a very bad sign.

I guarantee the sequence of emotions you'll feel will go from "I remember this!" to "Actually... I want something new" in a couple of hours, max.
