10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

9. Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda

Following the latest CES 2017 trailer, fans have begun to wonder just why Bioware insist on showing us soulless fight scenes and precisely zero story or character interaction. Sure, we had one encounter between new character Ryder and another human - which also 'showcased' some broken facial technology - but the biggest takeaway is that maybe, just maybe, Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't anywhere near as polished as it needs to be.

You can read more worries about its ongoing fractured state over here, but sufficed to say we're only just over two months away from release, and everything from the various new alien races to what we'll be doing other than shooting aliens in the head has yet to be seen.

Here's hoping Bioware and EA pull it together, as it'd be a real shame if 'the next Mass Effect' was an even bigger dud than its third instalment.

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Gaming Editor

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