10 Ungrateful Video Game NPCs That Deserved WORSE

A simple thank you can go a long way, but these people wouldn't know.

By Michael Fincher /

Video game protagonists tend to act as the heroes of their stories, saving the world from a looming disaster and rescuing helpless NPCs in their time of need.


Because you do all the hard work, you expect some modicum of gratitude from the people you help, and while most of them like to show it to you with gifts and kind words, there are also some rotten apples in the bunch.

Every now and then, you end up helping an NPC who feels like your good deed to them is a service and not an act of kindness. You put your blood, sweat, and tears into doing their bidding, and the only thing you get in return is empty pockets and an insufferable attitude.

They'll call you names, tell you to get out of their face, and even demand you do a better job next time! Worst of all, the game won't even let you get revenge on them for treating you like trash. You just have to bite the bullet and pretend their insults and bratty attitude are fine.

Don't waste your time helping the following NPCs: They deserve to wallow in their pity until they learn some gratitude.

10. Otho - Fallout: New Vegas

The Ceasar's Legion faction in Fallout: New Vegas has a somewhat complicated relationship with women, meaning that they treat all women as servants and slaves, but are still completely fine with the female Courier solving all of their issues for them.


The hypocrisy of the Legion is as blatantly obvious as an NCR soldier's desire for a nuclear winter, and yet it's not even nearly as bad as the ungratefulness and preachy attitude of its one specific member, Otho, the master of the Legion's arena.

If you play as a female Courier, Otho will refuse to let you participate in the fights happening at the arena, saying that fighting is a man's job and you should stick to "cooking pots."

Right. It seems no one told Otho that it was a woman who killed all of Legion's political opponents, secured several important alliances, and saved Ceasar's life. The poor guy was probably too busy cowering in his boy scout fight club to get the memo.

Of course, no matter how much you do for the Legion, Otho will not let you in. And if you try to kill him, the Legion will consider it treason.

There really is no justice in the wasteland.
