10 Ungrateful Video Game NPCs That Deserved WORSE

9. Sabal and Amita - Far Cry 4

baldurs gate 3

Amita and Sabal are the two leaders of the Golden Path rebels in Far Cry 4. The protagonist, Ajay, joins their cause shortly after arriving in Kyrat, waging war against Pagan Min's regime under their command.

It might seem like you're doing the right thing by fighting alongside the Golden Path, but the truth is that their co-leaders are the most treacherous and ungrateful characters in the entire game, even more so than its supposed antagonist.

They will occasionally say their thanks to Ajay for basically winning the entire conflict for them, but as soon as you help them achieve their goals, their true colors begin to shine.

When Pagan's reign is close to its end, Amita and Sabal tell Ajay to kill the other rebel leader, as they see each other as competition for the soon-to-be empty throne.

If you refuse either of them, they immediately turn on you and show that in reality, you were just a pawn to them all along, so you have to do their bidding and kill one to let the other become Kyrat's new dictator.

How about giving the throne to the guy who single-handedly conquered all enemy outposts and won the war? Just saying.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.