16 Severely Underrated Video Games That Deserve A Second Chance

The hype train has left the station. Please resume your normal level of sanity.

By Scott Tailford /

Although 2015's already lined up to be quite the year if all the pieces end up falling together as they should, in the run-up to things like Batman: Arkham Knight and Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain you're going to need quite the bevy of titles to pass the time in between. Everyone's got their favourites, those games we throw out whenever someone's asking for recommendations, and for the most part they're the ones that have more to offer than your standard whizz-bang shooter with its multi-million dollar PR campaign ramming every set-piece down your throat too. Last year's Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was a remarkable step-up from the phoned-in "Look at this dog animate!"-selling point of Ghosts, but did it have anything within as remotely satisfying as dual-wielding shotguns on Wolfenstein: The New Order? Hell no. It's becoming the norm as the industry grows exponentially too; like in film the greatest movies of the year aren't things like Transformers' or whatever tween demographic-pandering tosh is the highlight of the month - instead it's the unexpected gems that stick with you the most, and are the ones you'll go out of your way to tell as many people about as possible. Whether these got the short straw next to larger, similar-looking titles that dwarfed their marketability - or they were just overlooked altogether - more than ever in today's digital climate you're able to hunt down the lot for a far better price regardless.
