Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Things It Must Learn From Origins

Warner Bros. Montreal's take had far more going for it than you might think.

Whilst the world eagerly awaits the release of Rocksteady's conclusion to their immaculate Arkham-Saga, there is much it can learn from the oft-criticised Arkham Origins. Despite its few shortcomings, developer Warner Bros. Montréal made a valiant effort in taking on a franchise many thought only belonged to Rocksteady, and crafted a game that actually outshone its predecessors in many key areas - not least of which in its amazing story and detective based gameplay sections. Like it or not, Rocksteady aren't perfect. Despite their two well received Batman releases there are still aspects of gameplay and story that the London-based devs have yet to perfect, and on top of a markedly poor marketing campaign for Arkham Knight worries of its potential flaws are only being amplified. This isn't to say that the only emotion to be met with the threequel's release is anxiety, as it's very clear Rocksteady have gone to great lengths to truly make it their Magnum Opus, but flaws should never be overlooked - especially when they're extremely easy to rectify and build upon. Despite building a reputation of being a flawless release, Arkham City did make a number of errors that prevent it from outshining the claustrophobic and semi-linear Arkham Asylum. Whilst there are certainly lessons Rocksteady can learn from their 2009 superhero début, taking a long look at what Origins did right (and wrong) is really what the developer needs. WB Montréal's prequel, though not perfect, is still a stellar title and a worthy addition to the compendium of Batman video-games released thus far - neglecting it would be a grave mistake to make.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.