6 Video Game Franchises That Need Open World Games

By Simon M. King /

The medium of film is all very well for showing an audience exactly what the auteur wants, but through gaming many other facets of a story are able to directly explore through your own eyes, with choices that affect a universe that you would otherwise have no impact on. Reading a book or watching a movie is a great pastime but for the deepest immersive experience you have to actually see and do things for yourself. Many franchises have crossed the bridge onto gaming, but none have really placed their entire mythos into digital format for public consumption. Here I have compiled some of the largest worlds that deserve to be immortalized in this manner; not having a plot to play through, as this would simply be copying the source material, but rather to be able to forge your own path and interact with the storylines we know so well. Able to select factions and choose sides would make these not only some of the best open world games, but some of the best games ever made which can be appreciated by die-hard fans and casual gamers alike; something which has been demonstrated by the Arkham series invitation to non-DC associates into the fold.