8 Reasons You Should Play Nioh Instead Of For Honor

Don't spend your cash on a mistake.

By Scott Tailford /

Team Ninja/Ubisoft

Thanks to releasing within mere weeks of one another - and both games being melee-focussed action titles - you could feasibly group Nioh and For Honor together on a store shelf.


Yes, For Honor's bread and butter is almost entirely in being a competitive online melee brawler and Nioh's is that of a Dark Souls-inspired hack n' slash, but look under the hood, and their quintessential appeal is the same: scratching the itch of methodical, meticulously balanced combat.

For Honor's duels are predicated on a small, three-segment icon that dictates which direction you'll attack or defend from, whereas Nioh's is far more in-line with standard action games, taking influence from Team Ninja's other efforts such as Ninja Gaiden, and of course, the Dark Souls series.


It's in playing them side by side though, where a real marked difference in quality comes through. Not knocking For Honor - there's a lot to like - but it doesn't hold a candle to Nioh. If you're eyeing up both titles with a full wallet of cash, there's only one way to go.