10 Shocking Liverpool Departures Nobody Expected

Those fantastic, colourful and catastrophic characters - where did they go?

By Tom Baker /

Anfield is one of the smaller capacity stadiums in the Premier League at the moment €“ plans to expand are almost constantly being threatened - yet its managed to hold some of the biggest personalities in the history of English football. Over the decades the Liverpool squad has been host to a bunch of fantastic, colourful and catastrophic characters, with Super Mario Balotelli being the most recent addition. Along with those iconic players, there are devoted fans who will grow personally attached to them like no other team's supporters. Which makes it all the more shocking when, after being welcomed into the Kop with open arms, those self-same players decided to leave. Career prospects - or, more likely, huge sacks of money - create wandering eyes, and fans that are both surprised and saddened. Especially when they didn't see it coming. With such a storied history and so many brilliant players, the boneyard of lost Anfield heroes is particularly cluttered. Here are the ten most shocking Liverpool departures that nobody expected.