14 Players To Represent Both Newcastle And West Ham

Kevin Nolan and Andy Carroll aren't the only former Magpies to become Hammers in the Premier League.

By Chris Waugh /

Newcastle United and West Ham United are two stalwarts of the Premier League - although they haven't been ever-presents, they have spent a collective 40 seasons in the modern-day top flight. They meet for the 34th time in the Premier League on Sunday (3pm kick-off) in a game that could determine the Magpies' top-flight future. Should Newcastle win, they would guarantee their Premier League status for next season. Lose or draw, however, and they could allow Hull City to capitalise by defeating Manchester United - and condemn the Magpies to Championship football in 2015-16. Familiar faces will be returning to St James' Park as well. Former Magpies manager Sam Allardyce will be in charge of West Ham on Sunday, while ex-Newcastle players Kevin Nolan and Andy Carroll are now Hammers. Yet they are not the only players to represent both Newcastle and West Ham during the Premier League era - far from it; there have been plenty of big names to have done so, in fact. So here's 14 players who have represented both Newcastle United and West Ham United during the Premier League era - and there are some brilliant names in there, as well as one or two slightly unusual ones who will really begin to jog the memory...