England vs Moldova: Remembering 5 Previous Pivotal Qualification Games

By Richard Boyce /

So here we go again; the biennial torture that is England football tournament qualifying matches is fast approaching and the average England football fan is no doubt preparing him or herself for what is to come. Finger nails untrimmed ready for biting €“ check! Lucky underpants on €“ check! Big brolly in case it rains on the side-lines €“ well perhaps not. Anyway at the end of the next 2 games against Moldova and Ukraine we should have a clearer picture on whether our plucky boys will be spending the summer of 2014 on business in Rio de Janeiro or on the golf course in the Algarve. But why does it have to be this way? Surely England have breezed through other World Cup qualifying campaigns without a care, safe in the knowledge that their participation in the forthcoming FIFA jamboree was all but guaranteed with a handful of matches still to be played. Unfortunately not. And so to get us all in the mood please cast your mind back to these 5 previous vital World Cup qualifying matches that cover both triumph & disaster in equal measure. Sven-Goran Eriksson may want to read on, Graham Taylor may not...