Steven Taylor Definitely Staying At Newcastle Next Season Says Agent

By Jak Penny /

Steven Taylor won't be part of a summer exodus from St James' Park after his agent confirmed the much-maligned defender is definitely staying at Newcastle. Last week we wrote that Taylor was a target for QPR following their promotion to the Premier League but the defender's agent, Jonathan Hope, has killed speculation that his client will be one of the first casualties of the Magpies' summer clear out. Hope confirmed to the Chronicle they had spoken to several clubs and that interest in the 28-year-old is high only to reveal that he has every intention of remaining a Newcastle player meaning we have to tolerate Taylor's witless theatrics for another year at least. €œDespite media reports I am saying now Steven Taylor and myself are not interested in talking to anyone else," Hope said.

€œOur focus is Newcastle and fighting for a place in Alan Pardew€™s plans. He is not looking to leave Newcastle and hopefully this will end speculation over his future.€


While we can't fault Taylor's passion and commitment to the Club it spoke volumes that he ended the season as third-choice centre-back and appeared just 11 times throughout the entire campaign. Clearly the trust Alan Pardew had in him has evaporated.

Supporters, similarly, are becoming indignant towards Taylor, whose brainless attempts to curry favour with the crowd no longer overshadow the mistakes that often crop up when he's on the pitch.
