10 Doctor Who Characters You Completely Changed Your Mind About
The Marmites of time and space.
The Doctor is always forming close knit allegiances and unbreakable bonds throughout his ongoing universal liaisons and it's a widely cited fact within the show's community that any friend of the Doctor is a friend of ours. Well... usually. Sometimes the Doctor's pals just don't do enough to be accepted into the fandom's coveted legion of amicable allies and sometimes they start off well but end up doing something disastrous which ruins their chances of ever becoming a beloved character. Just take Adam Mitchell in Series 1, for example. It started off so well for him before his temptations got the better of him and he ended up being in and out of that TARDIS before you could say 'Raxacoricofallapatorius'. But that's what you get for being cocky, isn't it? Adam is just the tip of the timey-wimey iceberg, though, so who else has been hated and then loved by the Doctor Who fans? And which other characters went the other way, or ended up, despite their best efforts, being both loved and loathed in equal measure? Now's the time to find out with our countdown of 10 characters who viewers completely changed their mind about, and you can decide for yourself whether or not their transformation was for the better. Nobody said that being in Doctor Who was easy, but it really shouldn't be this hard...