10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

Love Halloween? Doctor Who? Big Finish? Well then, have we got some tales for you...

By Katherine Sankey /

Halloween is traditionally a time to tell spooky ghost stories. So, to celebrate this creepy, yet fun activity, we’ve picked ten of the best Doctor Who adventures from Big Finish that feature spooks, spectres and even the undead.


Listen to them whilst you decorate the house, set out candy for trick or treaters, carve pumpkins... or whilst you're alone in dark. However brave you are feeling!

10. The Spectre Of Lanyon Moor

SUMMARY: The Doctor and Evelyn arrive in Cornwall, near an ancient fogou - an Iron Age stone structure. They quickly learn that the site is being investigated, not only by archaeologists, but by an undercover Brigadier as well! It seems the fogou has a reputation for sending people mad, but why? Is it the imps of legend, or aliens? The Doctor intends to find out...


WHY LISTEN? This is the first Big Finish audio to feature the Brigadier, and as usual he has great chemistry with the Doctor, here played by Colin Baker. There's also the lovely Doctor Evelyn Smythe, played by the late Maggie Stables, who makes a fantastic companion for the Sixth Doctor, with her calm demeanour and knowledge of history.

Besides the imps and the fogou, there's a manor with a laboratory too - and what can we say, we're a sucker for a good laboratory! The sound design must also be given credit, as you really do feel like you're out on the moors, walking through the bracken with the Doctor and Evelyn.
