10 Frightfully Good Doctor Who Audios For Halloween

9. The Haunting Of Malkin Place

SUMMARY: The Doctor and Romana decide to take a holiday in Rye, only to meet a spiritualist on the train down who claims to be going to a haunted house out on Romney Marsh. Sceptical, but intrigued to see what this man intends to do, the pair end up joining him and his assistant. When they arrive at the house however, it seems there is something genuinely amiss. Still not convinced it’s the supernatural, can Romana and the Doctor figure out what the real cause might be?

WHY LISTEN? Tom Baker is always excellent in his portrayal of the Doctor, and this audio is no exception - there’s some brilliant one liners and jokes in here. Meanwhile Lalla Ward is great, as normal, as Romana II. It’s lots of fun having a companion who is the Doctor’s equal intellectually and able to keep up with all the jargon.

There’s also the added bonus of Simon Jones, who played Arthur Dent in The Hitchhiker’s Guide, appearing in this story as the spiritualist, which he does brilliantly. Despite all the humour though, the story is an emotional one, so be warned!

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.