10 Memorable Post-Regeneration Moments In Doctor Who

The best, the funniest and the most significant moments you'll see post-regeneration!

By Katherine Sankey /

Post-regeneration episodes are completely unique to Doctor Who. No other series has a built-in story device that allows for the main character to be re-envisioned, which gives these episodes the odd but specific task of reintroducing a main character people already know. Over the years this idea, and the concept of the regenerative process itself, has been approached in many different ways.


This list covers ten of the most memorable moments that have appeared in post-regeneration episodes. From the funny, to the emotional, to the outright controversial and insane, these are moments that stand out and make the episodes some of the most interesting in Who.

Now, settle in for a lot of drama, craziness, and wardrobe changes – here are ten memorable post-regeneration moments from new and classic Who.

10. The Eleventh Doctor Calls - Deep Breath

The core of a post-regeneration episode, as mentioned already, is to introduce a new version of the Doctor and move away from the old. The last vestige of the previous Time Lord left on screen is normally the costume the new Doctor wakes up in. The now old Doctor does not appear again after the regeneration happens – except in Deep Breath.


The end of Deep Breath sees the Eleventh Doctor calling up Clara, in a cameo performance by Matt Smith, and telling her to trust his new face. It’s a touching scene, as Clara says a last goodbye to the old Doctor and finally recognises the new one. It’s emotional for Twelfth too, as he points out, it’s horrible not being seen. The scene is wonderfully acted and stands out as the only time an outgoing Doctor has appeared on screen in a post-regeneration episode. It’s also a bit of an irritating scene, as Clara is basically asked to trust the Doctor after he didn’t forewarn her he could regenerate. This is a bit much, especially as Madam Vastra then judges Clara for her inevitably shocked reaction. Perhaps the Doctor needs to start giving out pamphlets on the subject?
