10 Most Underrated Star Trek Episodes

With as many episodes as Star Trek has, some gems can fly under the radar a bit - let them shine!

By Sean Ferrick /

While many top 10 lists of Star Trek episodes will (rightly) include The Inner Light, In The Pale Moonlight, Scorpion, The City On The Edge Of Forever and many others, the episodes on this list rarely make those lists.


The reasons are varied but most often it is because the episodes lists here either do not have the same action levels as many of the better recognized ones, nor have they the same stakes. Sometimes, bottle shows can stand as the best of the series. Other times, they can be somewhat forgotten, which is a huge shame - especially in the ten cases on this list.

Drawing from several of the series, we have put together a selection of ten episodes of Star Trek that deserve to be added to any fan's re-watch list - just as much as Sacrifice of Angels and The Best of Both Worlds!

10. Clues - Star Trek The Next Generation

Clues is one of Star Trek The Next Generation's bottle episodes, located entirely on the ship (with a quick visit to Dixon Hill's offices along the way). The crew are knocked unconscious for what Data claims to be a very short amount of time, though the various hints dropped throughout their day indicates that Data may be lying.


It is a fantastically fun episode, allowing more screen time for Guinan which is always a plus. Seeing Troi knock Worf to the ground (that poor man is always being screwed over) is funny as anything, while not to mention how the crew slowly come to figure out that something is wrong.

This episode ranked as one of the highest in Netflix's re-watch figures in the last couple of years, which comes as a little bit of a surprise - but it is thoroughly enjoyable all the same!
