10 PERFECT Scenes In Hated Star Trek Episodes

Admit it, you love these Star Trek scenes, even if the episodes or movies weren't all that

By Sean Ferrick /

As fans, we often find ourselves at loggerheads when it comes to what does and doesn't count as brilliance in Star Trek. So much of the franchise is up to the individual's taste - though admittedly some scenes are just perfect, whatever way one looks at it. The entirety of Spock's Brain is camp perfection.


There are then fierce debates over the episodes and movies that aren't 'stunning', though almost every iteration has its defenders. We admit that episode from The Next Generation may not have many fans, but even there, isn't it nice to have something to unify over?

This list comprises those scenes that, though they may be in episodes or films that have fewer fans than most, still manage to rise above the content surrounding it. They may be excellent examples of those scenes that prove, no matter how great they are, the whole cannot submit just one of the sum of its parts. Nor, too, should these parts be forgotten. For every Wrath Of Khan, there may be a Nemesis, but for every 'Brain? Brain? What is Brain?' there may also be an 'I Need My Pain!'

10. I'm Not Picard - Q, Less

How does the meme go? When Q arrived on the Enterprise, Picard quoted Shakespeare at him, and couldn’t get rid of him on a bet. When Q arrived on Deep Space Nine, Sisko punched him in the face. 


Never dealt with him again. 10/10. 

The inclusion of Q, much like the earlier inclusion of the Duras Sisters, in the first season of Deep Space Nine was a clear attempt at unifying the Star Trek universe. Though a completely understandable motive, the truth was that as fabulous as John De Lancie is, the character simply didn’t work within the world of the Prophets. It was cute having O’Brien recognise him straight away, but the joke wears off quickly. 

The writers had the wherewithal to showcase the differences between Picard and Sisko early - proving that the latter was no slouch when it came to dealing with Demi-gods. Q may believe Sisko easier to provoke, but let him just be glad he’s not a Romulan senator. The entire plot line focusing on the auction in Quarks, featuring a returning Jennifer Hettrick as Vash, simply drags. The station’s going to be crushed by the wormhole, but no one seems to care. 

The only true moment of life in the episode is that bout of boxing between the commander and the Q. It’s honestly funny, with the direction and camera angles leaning into the joke. Sisko’s advice/warning to Q - ‘I’m not Picard’ - rings perfectly through the scene’s end, making the slog of the episode worth the effort alone.
