10 PERFECT Scenes In Hated Star Trek Episodes

9. Paris Begs Janeway For His Chance - Threshold

Star Trek Picard Stands In The Romulan Senate Nemesis
CBS Media Ventures

Threshold has been the butt of many a joke since its initial airing, with even the writer coming out to decry its execution. Saying that, there’s a lot to like here, with the first three quarters setting up a truly interesting story. The final act costs it any places in the annals of ‘Great Episodes,’ but if there is one thing that cannot be labelled as less than stellar, its Robert Duncan McNeill’s performance. 

Though his scenes following the warp flight showcase his Cronenbergian transformation, along with his earnest fight for life, it is the scene he shares with Janeway in his quarters that really stands out. Here he is, the flyboy, the man who couldn’t find his place, on the precipice of history - and it is about to taken away from him. Hearing that there is a remote chance that he may not be coming back from this flight, Paris bears his soul to his captain, begging her to let him take the risk. 

Though she initially came to to him as a courtesy, ready to let Harry fly the shuttle instead, she sees how much it truly means to him. McNeill gives it his all here, convincing not just his captain, but the audience as well. We fully understand him when we too consider the risks negligible, but more than that, we see he deserves his moment in the stars. It is a true shame that when discussing Threshold, it is easier to cry pizza and wiggle like a lizard. McNeill earned his stripes here.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick