10 Reasons Why Doctor Who Fans Should Give Martha Jones A Break

She's been through a lot, guys.

By Dan Butler /

She's Dr Martha Jones. Who the hell are you? She's also one of the defining Doctor Who companions of the revived series so far but for some reason she still doesn't always receive the recognition she truly deserves. For many, the excuse for not liking her simply comes down to the criticism that "she just isn't Rose" but, as this list will verify, she has done more than enough to affirm her position within the show's mythology. She single-handedly walked the entire Earth to save it for starters, and that's not to mention her overriding ability to remain hopelessly devoted to the Doctor despite the fact he was constantly putting her down and making her feel second best to his previous companion. He was grieving, of course, but that's still no excuse. Martha was constantly living in Rose's shadow and that's arguably the main reason why her tenure isn't as widely celebrated as that of her popular predecessor. Her achievements (and there were a lot of them) were repeatedly overlooked and if you still don't believe that Martha should be given more credit, this countdown of 10 reasons why fans should give her a break will help you see the error of your ways. She spent a lot of time with the Doctor thinking she was second best, but you know what? She is good.
