10 Reasons Why Doctor Who Fans Should Give Martha Jones A Break

10. She Had Big Shoes To Fill

Taking over as Doctor Who's prestigious leading lady from the ever popular Billie Piper was never going to be easy and some would say that poor Martha Jones was destined to fail before she'd even set foot aboard the TARDIS at all. As the first companion of the revived series, Rose Tyler was deservedly credited for introducing the show to a whole new generation and it's safe to say that Martha spent the majority of her own first series living in her predecessor's shadow as a result. It's an unfortunate truth but it's just the way the companion cookie crumbles. It didn't help matters, of course, that she was constantly being compared to Rose on screen, too. The Doctor was mourning the loss of his beloved for most of Series 3 which somewhat diminished the introduction of his latest ally and took the spotlight away from her achievements on several occasions. You just made her feel so damn inadequate, Doctor. To make things worse, Martha was also slowly but surely falling unequivocally in love with him herself so in retrospect it's a surprise that she lasted as long as she did. But more on that later. For a lot of people, the overriding issue with Martha Jones came down to the simple fact that she just wasn't Rose. In Freema Agyeman's defence, there wasn't really much she could've down about that. 85d7fa16167d6a4c98d5255bd837259a
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.