10 Shocking New Doctor Who Era Cliffhangers

2005 not only brought back Doctor Who. It also brought with it a load more shocking cliff-hangers.

By John Hussey /

It was certainly a nice surprise to see Doctor Who return to our screens back in 2005. Although it was somewhat concerning to witness the new template, this brand-new thirteen episode structure meant we'd lose the traditional Doctor Who experience of enduring a cliff-hanger each and every week, limiting them to the few multi-part stories featured each year.


However, it was certainly a nostalgic moment when that first cliff-hanger rolled around, as the Slitheen laid out their trap and had the Doctor and his friends at their mercy. It was in this moment that Doctor Who fully felt like it arrived in the 21st century, as all of the show's iconic components came together.

Despite not having as many cliff-hangers to contend with (with some series not having any whatsoever) it was always a treat whenever one appeared before the credits rolled. It also became clear that the New Series wanted to be bolder, and much more daring when it came to delivering cliff-hangers. Meaning whenever one was due, it usually meant something incredibly shocking was about to unfold, which would leave us begging for the next episode to materialise on our screen.

10. O... (Spyfall, Part One)

After enduring an entire series with no cliff-hangers (shame on you Series 11), it was exciting to have a two-part opener for Series 12. It’s fair to say that Spyfall, Part 1 was a delightful reintroduction for the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions, as they were forced in a massive conspiracy involving the deaths of spies across the planet.


This led to them picking up the pieces and trying to uncover who was behind this strategic attack. They are guided to ex-operative O, who seems to have some leads for them to follow concerning the suspicious Daniel Barton. It soon became clear that he was in league with a powerful alien entity known as the Kasaavin.

The opener neatly builds up to its shocking climax, and in hindsight things should have been more obvious, but I have to give credit to Chris Chibnall for having these hints out in the open, but tucked away neatly enough that we simply didn’t pay attention. So, naturally, when ‘spymaster’ is dropped by O during the revelation sequence, everything falls into place. In an instant he went from being a kind, heroic side-character, to a unhinged, psychotic mastermind.
