10 TV Shows Star Trek Actors Want You To Forget

Not every line is written in gold ink and not every moment is directed to perfection.

By Sean Ferrick /

It is easy to forget sometimes that outside of the franchise, work can be hard to come by for Star Trek actors. Back in the sixties, DeForest Kelly often worried that he would end up typecast for his portrayal of Dr McCoy. Now, while Trekkies everywhere love his character, he was 100% correct. His final few roles were all in Star Trek films.


That of course isn't true of everyone. There are many actors who will appear in just about anything if the price tag is matched. Unfortunately, that can lead to some duds on the CV, as is evidenced in this list. Critics and audiences may not necessarily agree with these actors' feelings on the various shows that they were in, no matter how vitriolic their opinions are.

Like the obituary section of the Hollywood Reporter, there are quite a few cancelled shows on this list. It may be painful to go through and see some names of shows that should have stuck around on-screen for longer, even though the main stars of them may not agree with you on that one.

10. Dooley Gardens - Nicole De Boer

Dooley Gardens was a very short-lived Canadian sitcom that aired for nine episodes in 1999. Nicole de Boer starred as Skye Dooley, who inherits an ice rink after the death of her father. This comes as a surprise, as Skye never knew her father, save for the scant information that he had something to do with hockey.


The show was hampered by a writers' strike that threw the first season into chaos. The production ended up rushed, with shaky camera footage belying the low-budget look of the season. Some solid performances couldn't save it and it was quickly canceled.

It then vanished into near-obscurity. Save for a very small Wikipedia entry, with a couple of references on TV guide sites and a thin IMDB resume, Dooley Gardens looks to have been consigned to the rubbish heap of history. One user has added the episodes to YouTube, although they are extremely poor quality. Having said that, it's hard to tell if that was due to the production or something that happened in the transfer.

One thing is clear. After the heights of Deep Space Nine, Nicole de Boer crashed into the ice with this one, which is most certainly not her finest hour.
