11 Times Doctor Who Stupidly Spoiled Its Own Secrets

Where's River Song when you need her?

By Dan Butler /

"Fingers on lips!" As it turns out, the BBC really ought to take a leaf out of the Tenth Doctor's book because they're usually directly responsible for their own downfall. As one of the most highly publicised and discussed shows on TV, Doctor Who is always under a heightened level of public scrutiny which means that its paranoid producers are even more inclined to keep its upcoming developments underwraps. So why, then, are they so bloody bad at doing it? In their defence, they have managed to keep a lot of stuff secret over recent years. Nobody saw Missy's grand reveal coming (apart from the fact that everyone totally did!), while Tom Baker's unannounced cameo in The Day of the Doctor was one of those genuinely gobsmacking moments that united the show's fandom in a spontaneous outburst of unequivocal joy. Every now and then, though, something manages to fall through the net. They're only human, after all. Despite the fact the BBC invest a lot of time and effort into protecting the show's future storylines, it's probably impossible to assume that everything will remain under tight lock and key until broadcast. The Internet doesn't help matters but it's actually shocking how many times people associated with the show have messed up by revealing something they shouldn't. Don't believe us? Here are 11 times Doctor Who stupidly spoiled its own secrets. Where's River Song when you need her?!
