12 Best Doctor Who Moments Of 2014

Saluting the year of the new Doctor.

By Dan Butler /

2014 has been yet another fantastic year for Doctor Who but, as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. It's a shame, really, that Peter Capaldi's debut year as the titular Time Lord is now almost over before it's truly begun, but on a brighter note it means that the Twelfth Doctor's next string of adventures are on their way. Bring on 2015! But let's not skip ahead of ourselves. Before our attention swiftly turns to Series 9 (and if yours already has, get back here right now!), how would one describe what 2014 has been for Doctor Who in a timey-wimey nutshell? 'Eyebrows' feels like the most appropriate word as Capaldi stepped aboard the TARDIS and did it with enough gusto, talent and madness that he's already firmly established himself as one of the character's most popular incarnations to date. Not too shabby for a man who was too nervous to audition for the Eighth Doctor. It worked out well for Paul McGann, though. The Doctor's adventures this year have been a rollercoaster from start to finish with companion comebacks and new and old adversaries alike topped off by the return of a certain renegade Time Lord who's changed more than just their face since their last appearance. In short, it's been one hell of a ride and if you've been struggling to pick your personal highlights, here are 12 moments that will no doubt go down as the most memorable of the bunch. It was almost impossible to narrow it down, though, but 12 moments for the 12th Doctor seems pretty fitting, does it not? It's time to get nostalgic.
