20 Doctor Who Characters Who MUST Return

Did Romana survive the Time War? How does Fenric feel about the Pantheon? We need to know!

By Mark Donaldson /

In a way, it's laughable that there are any returning characters in Doctor Who. The Doctor is a Time Lord who can travel anywhere in time and space, and yet they keep bumping into the same faces? That seems improbable.


But of course, we forgive it, because as fans we love to see the Doctor interact with their old friends, or have a rematch with returning foes. And to be fair, in an impossibly large time-space continuum, there is some amount of comfort in the fact that we will probably see our favourite Doctor Who characters again.

However, that's not always the case. Not every great companion gets their Power of the Doctor comeback moment, and not every memorable villain gets a second go at defeating the Doctor.

But now that Doctor Who (with Disney's help) is eyeing a position as a major global brand, it needs this diverse range of heroes and villains more than ever, to establish a rich fictional universe, bursting with spinoff potential.

Not that all of these characters are spinoff worthy – it would just be nice to see them again!

20. Canton Everett Delaware III

When Canton Everett Delaware III was introduced in 2011, Doctor Who was breaking the American market, and Nicholas Courtney had sadly left us. Against that backdrop, it felt like Steven Moffat was introducing a Brigadier surrogate to honour Courtney's legacy, and appeal to American audiences.


Mark Sheppard was a well-known face to fans of American TV due to his roles in Battlestar Galactica and Supernatural, but alas, Canton never returned. Over a decade later, and with Doctor Who striving to be a global brand, perhaps the time is right for another America-based adventure with the former FBI agent.

How brilliant would it be to see Canton in charge of an American branch of UNIT in the 1970s or the 1980s, leading the organisation like a cross between Fox Mulder and the Brigadier? Yes please.
