3 Things Doctor Who Should Do To Retain Fans (And 2 To Bring Old Fans Back)

Doctor Who needs a boost, both for fans and for those who have fallen away from the show.

By Joshua Short /

There are some issues with Doctor Who. Series 12 of the show has shaken the fanbase to the core, with revelations about our favourite Time Lord dividing fan opinions. Ratings are not what they used to be. Frankly, what this show needs, is a Doctor.


When talking about Doctor Who, everyone remembers David Tennant. His era is arguably the most distinctive of all the modern Doctors, and doesn’t seem to have been surpassed in terms of popularity. However, it seems that many fans of the era began to fall away from the show after Tennant’s departure, with some still following Matt Smith’s, Peter Capaldi’s, and Jodie Whittaker’s seasons, but in a lower capacity.

Ratings aren’t the only problem. Those who have remained loyal to the show have found themselves divided regarding the creative choices made by those running the show. Backlash against Steven Moffat’s timey-wimey writing was bad, but it may be even worse against Chris Chibnall and his decision making.

Here are some suggestions for what Doctor Who should do to boost its popularity with fans and non-fans, and potentially bring back the nation’s love for the show.

5. Fix The Timeless Child Mess

Starting out as a reference in Episode 2 of Series 11, the Timeless Child mystery intrigued viewers straight away. Who is it? The Doctor? It can’t be, right?


Spoiler: it was.

The revelation of the Timeless Child introduced so many questions with it, all of which revolve around the Doctor’s past pre-William Hartnell. The Doctor found out that she had lived many lives prior to her 'first' incarnation, and audiences made their feelings clear on social media.

The recent story arc started out as a promising and interesting plot, but it poses a lot of problems that many fans don't agree with. Some believe that the legacy of William Hartnell as the First Doctor is now tarnished, whilst others have welcomed the move, seeing it as a fresh take on the title of the show and therefore adding more mystery to the character.

Understandably, you can’t please everyone, but Chibnall and his team either need to deliver satisfactory answers to all the questions created, or give in to certain demands of the public and change the Timeless Child’s identity. After all, it’s not as if continuity hasn’t been played around with previously.
