5 Most Cringeworthy Doctor Who Moments From '90s

A TV Movie and a Children In Need Special - what could there be to cringe over? Plenty.

By Tony Whitt /

The '90s was a dark decade for Doctor Who. The show had been canceled in 1989. The only new Who productions for the longest time were films produced by professional fans, and while they were decent, they didn't make up for the real thing. Doctor Who went dark in a different way as well: the Virgin New Adventures series quickly became the most adult Doctor Who-related productions ever, until Torchwood premiered the following decade (or until Abducted By The Daleks in 2005, depending on how you're defining "adult"). In fact, there were only two new "official" iterations of Who produced in the '90s until Big Finish Productions started their licensed audio dramas in 1999 - and the air quotes are used here because, while one of these iterations has since been canonized, the other one, though written by the incumbent producer, still has a large fluorescent question mark hanging over its canonicity. Both productions caused fans worldwide to cringe for various reasons, and yet the current series might not exist at all were it not for the popularity of both of them. This list will, by necessity, be a lot shorter than the rest (on the '60s, '70s and '80s), as it's not delving into cringeworthy moments from the book series or the audios - it's going to cover only with the "official" stuff, the productions that aired on television (albeit in less-than-glorious 3D). The TV Movie is likeable well enough in parts that we're not including it here as a single entry, so if there are moments from it that made you cringe that have not been included, please tell us in the comments below - and give us a head start on the Cringeworthy 2000's List by telling us what moments from 2005-2010 made you cringe as well!