5 Reasons To Watch Modern Doctor Who

A staunch divide exists between Whovians young and old, but it doesn't have to be this way!

By Paula Luther /

Some time ago, we outlined five reasons to watch classic Doctor Who in an effort to bring wider attention to the show's impressive 50-year history. Now we have decided to tackle the other side of the argument: why fans of the classic series should watch the modern show. There are loyal Whovians out there, who after nine years still aren't quite willing to take the plunge and watch the updated show. Such skepticism is understandable; there was a time when many of us shared it. But we gave the modern series a chance, and you know what? It's totally worth it. Ignoring the modern series and being biased against it simply because it is newer is a serious mistake; it is just as important a part of the Whoniverse as the classic series, and it is a fun show in its own right. The tone of the stories may be different, but even the classic series experienced several shifts in tone during its original 26-year run. At its core, modern Doctor Who is not really all that different from the classic series. Some of the trappings may be different, but the plot is the same. However, a few of these differences are what makes the modern show worth watching in the first place, not as a replacement of the classic series but as an extension.