5 Reasons To Watch Modern Doctor Who

5. Improved Special Effects

Let's face it - one reason the classic series tends to get such a bad rap is the quality of its special effects. Granted, the directors and producers did an admirable job with the budget they had (which was admittedly limited), but there are only so many ways you can wrap tin foil around cardboard and call it an alien. For some people, this adds to the charm of the show, but others view it as a turn-off and assume that the caliber of the special effects has not appreciably improved in the updated series. This could not be further from the truth. Ever since its return in 2005, Doctor Who has consistently boasted praiseworthy effects of both the digital and practical kind. Enhances in computer technology now allow for more creative alien landscapes and have given us such varied worlds, from the chill of the Oodsphere to the once-great splendour of Gallifrey. The same technology also allows for remarkable enhances to the show's monsters. The Gangers from The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People would not have achieved the same doughy appearance during their formation without a little help from 21st-century special effects. Makeup and costumes have also seen definite improvements; just take a look at the trees from the Forest of Cheem in The End Of The World or the Weeping Angels from Blink. The modern series has taken advantage of advances in technology, makeup and costuming as well as a much larger budget to create the worlds and creatures the show always deserved.

Paula Luther hails from Pennsylvania and has been an avid Whovian since 2008. She enjoys writing (obviously), reading, dancing, video editing, and building websites. She has also self-published two books on Amazon, "Bart the Bard" and "Android Mae and Other Stories".