8 Best Doctor Who Monster Comebacks Of All Time

Dusting off the legends.

By Dan Butler /

Doctor Who wouldn't be where it is today without its ever growing menagerie of malevolent monsters. Yes, it can be bloody annoying when they keep trying to take over the world for the umpteenth time today (*sigh!*), but the show's foray of formidable foes is part of what has made the franchise such a global and unrivalled success. They're the beasties we all love to hate, after all, and even the good Doctor himself would admit that his life would be far less exciting if he wasn't constantly locking horns with some of the most assertive adversaries that the Universe has to offer... and then some. TV's favourite Time Lord has encountered so many enemies since his inception in 1963 and some of them left such a lasting legacy on the Doctor Who mythology that it was inevitable they'd accompany him into the 21st century when the series returned to our screens back in 2005. Suffice to say, some of them should've just stayed in the past (the Macra, anyone?) but, more often than not, their returns have paid off. Here are 8 of the best monster comebacks of all time... and they're probably not the ones you'll be expecting!