8 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Are Better Than Reality

Who needs fact when there's fiction?

By Dan Butler /

Doctor Who is one of the most hotly discussed shows on TV and that's largely down to the fact that, most of the time, nobody knows what the hell is really going on in it. That's part of its universal appeal, of course, and the nature of the programme encourages its viewers to analyse and theorise about the Time Lord's upcoming adventures. It's safe to say that nobody does theorising quite like a Doctor Who fan and it's a pastime that the show's legion of fans have practised and perfected over its 51 years in operation. Obviously the Internet has helped in recent years. The series has continuously dominated forums and message boards since its 2005 reinvention and sometimes fan theories turn out to be better than what actually happens. They're an imaginative bunch and, as weird and outlandish as their ideas can be (and usually are), there's always an element of suspense and intrigue when you accept that quite literally anything can happen. So, here are eight examples of fan theories that turned out be better than the events that actually transpired on screen. From Clara's true identity to Missy's shock reveal, these are just a handful of the timey-wimey topics that kept the masses guessing right until the last moment. As you'll soon see, though, the show is always one step ahead of us in the end.
