8 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Are Better Than Reality

8. Jenny Is The Doctor's Daughter?

OK, so this one might still happen yet, but it's certainly food for thought. Fans have been vying for the return of Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, since her introduction back in Series 4 but what if she's been with us all along? You don't have to be Sherlock (but how cool would it be if you were?) to realise that her name bears a striking resemblance to that of Jenny Flint, Madame Vastra's part time lover and full time friend (she also dabbles as her maid, too). What's more, Jenny was resurrected at the end of her first and only episode at the request of Steven Moffat which suggests he had a bigger plan for her. Saying that, there's nothing to suggest that Jenny can even regenerate seeing as she came back to life in her original form but, as the Doctor himself noted, she was "too much like him, in the end", perhaps alluding to the fact that she possesses more Time Lord traits than initially meets the eye. Therefore, it's highly possible - but still completely unlikely - that Jenny Flint is actually the Doctor's daughter regenerated. Perhaps Vastra knows it too and that's why they've formed such a tight-knit bond? The Paternoster Gang understand the Doctor's timey-wimey liaisons better than most so maybe they're just waiting for the opportune moment to tell him? Or maybe this is all just gobbledygook and once again the Doctor Who fandom is overanalysing every situation. Either way, it's fun to speculate.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.