Did WandaVision Just Reveal The Real Villain?!

MCU fans have been theorising as to who could be behind the events in Westview. Who could it be?

By Liam Clark /

Marvel Studios

WandaVision has taken the world by storm, providing us with the first glimpse into Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, while the series has been excellent so far, fans have been left with many questions about the series and where the story is heading.


One of the major questions was about who the villain behind the events occurring in Westview. Fans have had many theories about the sinister force that could be involved, and even theories that the demon Mephisto was behind this alternate sitcom reality.


Marvel Studios

Well, it turns out that fans may have just been given the answers to these questions, as the end of episode four showcases the extended ending from last episode that we did not get to see. It depicts Wanda in a very sinister light, as Monica looks truly terrified as Scarlet Witch talks like she is deranged and stating that Monica is not her neighbour or her friend. The episode ends with Monica getting flung through Westview's walls and out of the reality due to Scarlet Witch, who has obviously lost her mind after the events of Infinity War and Endgame.

This seemingly confirms that Wanda is the one behind the sitcom themed reality of Westview, and is the individual who has trapped the residents of the town with her. Monica summed it up best when she is met by Darcy Lewis and Jimmy Woo, as she simply says “it’s Wanda, it’s all Wanda."


Episode four focused on SWORD and their operation in trying to discover what is going on in Westview, while also developing Monica Rambeau's origin story. The introduction of Woo and Lewis sees the pair get to the bottom of the Westview mystery and explains many of the key events that have occurred during the events of the series, such as the beekeeper, the radio signals and how Monica ended up in Westview in the first place.

Marvel Studios

The implication of the Scarlet Witch going rogue could have major complications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. By revealing that Wanda is in control of this reality, Marvel have proven how powerful this version of the character is and the lengths she is willing to go to keep her happy life intact.


If someone is able to upset Wanda's happiness, we could see the character go down the same path as the comic book version of the Scarlet Witch. This could lead to storylines such as Avengers Disassembled and House of M, with the latter depicting an unstable Wanda altering all of reality.